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Romans 8:1 (AMP)

Freedom from Condemnation

“Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior].”


Let us gives thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus! Through his precious sacrifice there is now no condemnation toward us from our Abba Father. This is such a beautiful truth and yet this truth can be so easily forgotten. The accuser, our enemy will never stop until his time is up. The enemy will whisper lies to us to bring us low. The lies can be from a range of things like God is mad at you, how can you call yourself a Christian and say that or do that, or even look at all you have done God will never accept you. These lies are whispered to condemn us. Let this truth of Romans 8:1 shine a light so bright that Jesus and Abba love you and will never condemn you. As we soak in this truth let this also apply to how we see and view ourselves. Sometimes the enemy will not whisper these lies because he sees you are already condemning yourself. We are not defined by our mistakes or short comings and there is nothing you can do once you accept Jesus that will make our Abba Father turn away from you.

We have such a compassionate high priest. There is nothing that you are facing today that Jesus doesn’t know or understand. Our Lord Jesus chose to come down from Heaven to live among us. He chose to love His Father and to be obedient fulfilling Abba’s plan to save us. Jesus lived among us and experienced many trials while here on earth. He understands the temptation, the lies, the betrayal, the pain, the loneliness, the sadness, the grief, and even the condemnation. I recommend taking time to read the New Testament and start with the book of John, Mark, Luke, then Matthew. Let His words of life renew your mind. It is easy to let the enemy condemn us or even we ourselves condemn our actions, what we think, or even what we say. But let us speak this truth of Romans 8:1 that our Abba Father and Jesus don’t condemn us so we will not allow the enemy or even ourselves to condemn us either. Do not run away from Abba but run toward Him. Run toward Jesus when it gets hard, when you feel no one will understand, and even when you feel misunderstood. Our high priest Jesus understands and His arms are always open wide waiting for you to acknowledge Him. Accept our Saviors love and when you do you will experience a peace that passes all understanding. Allow His love to wash over you because He chose you, accepts you, and loves you. Allow His Spirit to continue to make and mold you into who He created you to be for there is nothing too big or too small that separate us from His love.

I pray that your mind and heart are receptive to Abba’s truth of no condemnation. I pray that as you walk out this truth your relationship with Abba and Jesus will continue to grow and your dependence on Him will increase. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Written By:

A Child of the Most High


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