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Psalm 121 (CSB)

The Lord Our Protector

“I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber. Indeed, the Protector of Israel does not slumber or sleep. The Lord protects you; the Lord is a shelter right by your side. The sun will not strike you by day or the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all harm; he will protect your life. The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever.”


Our Lord is always with you. Even when you don’t feel it or see it. He is always by your side. No matter what is weighing on your heart and mind today lift up your eyes to our Heavenly Father and King Jesus. You may not realize this but His face is always toward you. He is always gazing upon you. Rest today in His loving gaze and embrace knowing that He has you in the palm of His hands. Our God does not sleep or slumber like we do. We may not understand the circumstances and it’s not our job to figure out the why or how, for we know the Who. You can put your trust and faith in Him. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus are greater and have a great plan for your life.

Abba and Jesus takes us from glory to glory even some translations say victory to victory. Many don’t realize the power in this saying. In order to go from glory to glory or victory to victory you will go through trials and tribulations. The good news is that we will overcome and come out better than before. In those trials and tribulations He is with you. He is Jehovah-Shammah, our very present God. As you walk with Him, He is protecting your coming out and going in. In Psalm 91:11 it show that our God shall give His angels charge over us to keep us and protect us in all our ways.

During this holiday season let us find things to be grateful for and lift them up to be a sweet smelling aroma to our Heavenly Father. Let us pray bold prayers for what we know He has the power to do even if our circumstances say it can not happen. Let your faith arise to see what is in front of you as a new beginning and not the end. His mercies are new every morning and let us wake up each day expecting His goodness and favor.

I pray as you fix your eyes on the Lord, you will gain new strength and mount up on wings like eagles. I pray you will look for His goodness and mercy each day and see His favor in your life. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Written By:

A Child of the Most High


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