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Isaiah‬ ‭43‬‬:‭18-19‬ (GNT)

The Lord's Promise of Victory

But the Lord says, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.


Happy New Year! As we start 2022, let us thank our Heavenly Father for His favor and for the blessing that He has already set up this year. During the start of the new year many dwell on the things of the past, the situations and circumstances, and even relationships. But Jesus wants us to look ahead. We are not to cling or dwell on the past. We are to open our eyes to see what is happening now in and through us. We should close 2021 and instead of reflecting on the bad or unfair situations let us learn from the past, grow, and move forward with the Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 6:27, “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” We can not change the past but can metanoia through Jesus guidance. If you choose to look back, can you focus and see how far you have come? Did you see His hands moving in your life throughout 2021?

Our Abba and Jesus are so good and He did not bring you this far to leave you. He was, He is, and He will always be with you. He promises in Isaiah 43 if we watch for the new thing and dwell in His presence He will make roads in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The best is yet to come! Let’s reflect on Jeremiah 29:11. I love the (MSG) translation for the assertive power it holds: “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” Let us be prisoners of hope. Let us declare, believe, and expect good breaks, the healing, the promotion, and the right people He has already ordained to come across our path. In order to see these good and blessed days ahead there is only one thing needed. Jeremiah 29:12-14 (MSG) gives us the answer: “When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” Let us choose this year to seek Jesus more than ever and learn more about Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to open the scriptures to you and to see our wonderful and beloved Savior in new ways. As you do this and as it is written, you will not be disappointed!

I pray that as you start this new year, your relationship with Jesus will grow. I pray that your eyes will be open to see Jesus in new ways throughout this year and that you will see the new thing manifest in your life. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Written By:

A Child of the Most High


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