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  • Writer's pictureMilagrosa

God's Love for Us

Our heavenly father is called Abba in Hebrew, but in English it is Father. Jesus said seek the Father and you will seek the Kingdom.

God is Love, you must be wondering what does the word love means? The dictionary explains – a strong affection for one another, profoundly tender, a warm personal attachment. God is the creator of all living things. Our Abba loves us for He made us in His image. He gives us the very breath that we breathe. When He made us He said this is Good. Our father has no hate, He doesn't lie, no anger or evil is in Him. He has so much love for us that He did not withhold His only begotten son Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Who so ever believes in Jesus will not die but have eternal life. Jesus also is love for He laid down His life to pay for all of our sins, sickness, condemnations and even took the keys of death. He wanted to save us from this world full of wickedness.

Jesus wanted us to know that He understands our pain, addictions, suffering, loneliness, depression, anger, fear, stress, and worries. He said come to me all who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me that I am gentle and humble in heart. For my yoke is easy and burden light (Matthew 11: 28-30). He did not come to judge us but to give us everlasting life. Don’t believe the lies that you are not worthy to receive His goodness. You don’t have to be free of sin, belong to a religion or be righteous to receive His love. Our savior Jesus came down to show us who our Heavenly Father is and demonstrate His ways. He knows what is best for us and His ways are good. Jesus came to heal the sick, set the captives free and restore our souls.

The love of Jesus restored broken hearts; emotional scars and weary spirits. He even gave a gift of the Holy Spirit to those who has truly accepted him in their heart. The only thing you must do is believe that Jesus can do the impossible. We must walk by faith and not by sight. The evil one will try to trick you in your thoughts and make you to think the worst of yourself. He will tell you lies, that is his job to steal, kill and destroy all goodness. He wants to keep you captive, fear and worried.

Jesus is our defender and savior, He paid the price for all sins past, present and even future. So, when the enemies try to tell you that you are not worthy to receive His love, tell him to look at the cross and remember there is nobody in the grave! That’s right Jesus is for evermore alive and free. As He is so are we in this world. He is the King of Kings and is seated at the right hand of our Father.

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