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Acts 4:10 (AMP)

Nothing to Hide

Let it be known and clearly understood by all of you, and by all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you [demanded be] crucified [by the Romans and], whom God raised from the dead—in this name [that is, by the authority and power of Jesus] this man stands here before you in good health.


Do you understand the power in our saviors name? Our beloved savior and King Jesus came down from Heaven, put on flesh, and walked among us over 2000 years ago. It is truly amazing that while among us He was 100% human and 100% God. Jesus went around giving the blind sight, lepers were cleansed, the deaf received hearing, the lame walk, the dead were raised to life, and the poor received the good news preached to them. Jesus went forth to pay for my sins and your sins (iniquities/not meeting the mark) by going through the gruesome crucifixion. Jesus saved us and redeems us from the law of sin and death and rose again to declare us righteous in our Abba Fathers’ sight.

Jesus gave multiple promises to those who love and trust in him. In Matthew 11:6 Jesus said, “Blessed (joyful, favored by God) is he who does not take offense at Me (accepting Me as the Messiah and trusting confidently in My message of salvation). As it is written in Acts 4:10, Peter being filled with the Holy Spirit (another promise of Jesus) spoke before the Sanhedrin testifying to the name of Jesus. The day before speaking to the Sanhedrin, Peter and John saw a lame man sitting in front of the temple gate called Beautiful begging for money. Peter and John got the mans attention and he thought he would receive coins but instead the eager expectation lead to a greater miracle. In Acts 10:6 Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have; but what I do have I give to you: in the name (authority, power) of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—[begin now to] walk and go on walking!” Peter seized the man with his right hand, the mans feet and ankles became strong, and with a leap he stood up and began walking and praising God.

See the power of Jesus name! This truth was not only for the apostles but it is true for us today. Please know and believe that Jesus wants to heal you and restore you. I believe if we speak Jesus over our family, friends, coworkers, and circumstances we will see Him move on our behalf and be pleased that we trust Him. I can testify after speaking the name of Jesus over my best friend’s husband from the potential of the COVID-19 virus and coworker’s daughter from being positive with COVID-19; Jesus healed and restore both of them and He received all the glory, honor, and praise for there is power in is His name!

I pray that you will be bold as a lion and proclaim the name of Jesus over yourself, those around you, and in your circumstances. I pray you will trust and believe He will help you and move on your behalf. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Written By:

A Child of the Most High


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